The Evolution of A Phenomenal Woman 2010 Conference

Hello Lovely Ladies of Omega Tau Pi Sorority,Incorporated

The time has come for annual conference. The registration fee for the conference will be $75.00.

First Installment of $40.00 Due February 15

Second Installment of $35.00 Due March 15 (All payment is due on March 15, 2010)co

The $75.00 will cover the following:v

Conference Registration                                                                                                                            Continental Breakfast at the hotel                                                                                                                         Catered Lunch                                                                                                                                       Conference T-shirt                                                                                                                                           Conference the following:

The Hyatt has book rooms for the conference. The rooms are 89.99 per night and can accommodate 5 people.

Friday, April 9, 2010- Meet and Greet at Copeland's Cheesecake Bistro

Saturday, April 10, 2010- Seminars throughout the day

Please refer to the Omega Tau Pi website for payment instructions and hotel reservations.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE RSVP. We need to give to hotel a head count.

Please go to this link and register for the conference:


Please send money orders only to: 

Payable to:

Omega Tau Pi Sorority, Incorporated

PO Box 86123

Baton Rouge, LA 70879


Thank you

Nikki McCray-Green

National Director of Public Relations

Sorority delivers help, baskets

Tina Marie Alvarenga

Issue date: 4/9/09

All the national chapters of Omega Tau Pi Sorority, Inc., will participate in "Give-A-Basket, Change-A-Life," a fundraiser to help stop domestic violence. Tech's OTP chapter will assist the Domestic Abuse Resistance Team with this project, which lasts until April 16.

Skyler Breaux, president of Omega Tau Pi at Tech and a sophomore early childhood education major, said her organization's goal is to fill the area's need.

"Our purpose is to serve the community around us, make it better, be prosperous and teach women how to succeed," she said.

Breaux said Omega Tau Pi will go into the community and collect various household items from locals to help victims start their lives over.
Read The Rest of the Article

April 6, 2009

Dear Sisters,

      On behalf of the National Board of Omega Tau Pi Sorority, Incorporated, I am honored to announce four staff appointments:

- Ebony Baylor -Director of Community Service
Sister Baylor is in charge of all National service endeavors. She is the point
of contact for all Service related inquiries, including but not limited to:
- Maintaining a record of all National/Chapter Service Logs - Adherence to all Service requirements
- Thena Nickels - Member -at- Large
Sister Nickels is the contact person for Undergraduate points of concern. She is your VOTING voice on the National Board for Undergraduate Interests
- Jessica Lewis - Assistant to the Director of Member Education Sister Lewis is Sister Trenisha Bonton, assistant in all things related to Member upkeep and education.
Nikki McCray-Green - Assistant to the Director of Public Relations/Documents
Communications Specialist

      Please join the Board in welcoming these dedicated Sisters to their new leadership positions for Omega Tau Pi.

In Sisterhood and Service,
Niqueta Williams

April 6, 2009

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE from Bro. Avery Jack, General President Upsilon Phi Upsilon Service Fraternity

     On behalf of the Officers and Members of Upsilon Phi Upsilon, I want to
congratulate the following Sorors on their recent appointments.

Jessica Lewis
Ebony Baylor
Thena Nickels
Nikki McCray-Green

I am more than confident that the above mentioned
ladies will be an asset to your staff.

I look forward to our staffs working together to build a better Phi Pi family.

Very Truly Yours

Avery F. Jack
General President
Upsilon Phi Upsilon Service Fraternity, Inc

April 6, 2009

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Appointment of Office, Treasurer, Upsilon Phi Upsilon Service Fraternity Inc

Brothers and Sisters:

      Please join me in congratulating Brother Derek Coleman in his recent appointment
as the National Treasurer (Chief Financial Officer) of Upsilon Phi
Upsilon Fraternity Inc.

     Brother Coleman, a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, is a Summer of
2008 initiate from the Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Upsilon Phi Upsilon
Service Fraternity Inc.

     Brother Coleman is a graduate of Southern University in Baton Rouge
with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting.

He is also a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated.

    Since his appointment Bro. Coleman has stepped in and immediately had
an impact on the fraternity's financial affairs.

Congratulations Bro. Coleman.

Brother A.F. Jack
National President, Upsilon Phi Upsilon Fraternity, Inc.

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